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Sunday, August 17, 2014

Secrets Within (excerpt)

Bloodied and weak from his days in the walls, he collapsed. The next thing he recalled was being called a hero. Something his father, the King, seemed proud of.
Clara had tried to be alone with him but Grayson would not allow it. He wanted nothing to do with her. But she was Queen and used to getting her way. Within a fortnight she showed up in not but a stitch of clothing.
Brass she was, walking the halls like a nymph in the night. He could not tell if she was crazy or brazen she walked into his room with only a thin cloth to cover her. "Grayson."she purred. "I know you are hurting but surely you will not send me away again." Sashaying her hips as she came into his room. "I have missed you and by the looks of you, you have surely missed me." Her gaze lowering to the thick bulge that had popped up as she walked into the candlelight. Her round breasts pushed against the thin white fabric of her gown. She licked her lower lip causing him to imagine her tongue licking him.
"I know." he croaked, still aching for her touch but, at the same time, repelled by it as well. She did not seem to hear him and she removed the covers from off his body. Now the only thing between them were his pants and her barely there gown.

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