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Thursday, October 9, 2014

Book Apps

I got an email from Karen Robertson, and Neil Maxwell-Keys about how to create a book app. As interested as I am in creating a book app, I am unwilling to jump right in without some research. Once I create a book app I don't want to create the same book app but in a different platform. One and done. There is a lot of work to be done in just one page of a regular book. Lots more in a book app. No story ever written consisted of one page. Words are to be written, illustrations are to be drawn and then perfected. In a book app your illustrations come to life. Things move and make sounds. I've seen some where there are games implemented in the story as well. I'm currently looking into that. Even if my story has none, I would always like the option if I wanted to use it in my story. I think it's a brilliant idea to keep the children engaged in what their reading. The best book I could see coming out of these apps are the learning ones. Why not have fun when your learning?

Here are some sites to look into if you are interested in creating a book app yourself.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Secrets Within (finale excerpt )

The old lady was quick for an old woman with a bum knee, Grayson thought as he rushed down the halls to find her. He seen her plump form dash to the stairs. The stairs that would take her directly to the King's floor. She knew! She was going to tell the King! Grayson panicked and raced after the old lady, grabbing her arm so that he could stop her from telling the King. But he lost his grip on the old woman's arm and her arms flailed in the air before she tumbled down onto the hard stone stairs. Down, down, down thirty eight stairs. Her head hitting the third step and blood pooling around her as she landed, lifelessly on the cold white floor.
Grayson rushed to the old woman's side, unaware that she was still very much alive. When he bent down to check she clawed at him with her gnarled hands. "You are a vial deceitful man!" she spat, blood coming from her mouth. "To sleep with the Queen, the woman married to your father!" Blood leaking from her eyes, she had one last thing to say before she finally succumbed to her death, "With my finale breathe, I curse you. Grayson, bastard of King David, you shall never have the love you seek. You have the Queen now, but the time will come when she will no longer want you. The one who loves you will never have your heart and the one who has yours, will be the death of you."

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Secrets Within (exceprt) the beginning

Aireona waited to be announced, "Aireona Hemsworth." She didn't allow the announcer to continue with his needless talk of who she was and where she was from. It didn't matter one lick to her. She was here to have fun.

  Not unlike all the other girls here, but she wasn't here to find a husband. She walked to stand in line with the other girls. Hating the hungry looks she was receiving from some of the men.

  They could look all they liked, not one of them was going to get her to bite. She didn't want a man, nor did she need one. She was perfectly happy with her life the way it was. Her father doting on her and her mom cooing over her. It would be that way forever, she had decided.

  Being an only child, she knew her parents wouldn't want to kick her out. They would wait until she was ready. But she wasn't. If she were to marry, it could only be to the one she loved. Grayson.

  Though it would never happen. Not with Grayson being a "lower class citizen." Her mother's words when she found out about Aireona's "little crush." If she couldn't choose Grayson, than she would choose to be a spinster.

 Shaking herself, she reminded herself she was here to have fun. Thinking about Grayson saddened her. He had disappeared the night of their first kiss. Leaving without so much as a goodbye. So she tried to push him from her mind. The music began and a man walked up to her, introduced himself then held out his hand asking her a dance.

  Placing her hand in his, she walked with him to the dance floor. Once they reached the dance floor, he placed his other hand above her hip. Her other hand went to his left shoulder. She smiled nicely at the man but his touch didn't bring that same sizzle through her like Grayson's. Still she enjoyed the dance, and Sir William Endicott seemed like a nice fellow.

 She barely had time to catch her breath when another song came on and another man took her hand. Not even asking her permission to dance. Something very unbecoming of a man trying to find a wife. Especially if that wife was her. Not that she was interested. Looking up darkly, her brows furrowed and lips thinned, she sees Grayson.

  Her lips formed an "o" before they settled into a soft smile.Unlike William, Grayson placed his right hand on the small of her back. Still holding her hand, he leds Aireona into a slow dance. "Grayson." She breathed, not quite believing he was there. The music allowing them to be close for the moment.

  "Aireona," he says, breathing her in. "I have missed you." She had never looked so radiant. Glowing like the night's stars. So beautiful and out of his reach. But  not anymore. He had worked hard and was ready to court Aireona, so that one day he could ask for her hand in marriage.

  The tempo picked up and Aireona moved away from him. The music no longer allowing the closeness he craved. Her mouth fell and her movements were filled with fury. "You wouldn't have missed me if you had stayed." 

 Grayson pulled her close and whispered  fervently "If I had stayed things would have spiraled out of control and you know it."

 Aireona's cheeks flushed. "It was just a kiss." She dismissed..

 "Did it mean so little to you?" Grayson asked, his fingers digging into her back. "Do I mean so little to you?"

  "You're hurting me." Aireona whimpered, her voice full of shock and pain. Grayson's hands dropped and he started away from her. No you don't! Aireona thought. You're not walking away from me again!  Quickly, she grabbed his hand and returned it back on her back, threading her fingers through his hair. Not caring that the dance didn't call for that kind of closeness. "You mean the world to me," her eyes daring him to see that truth.

 People were watching the pair, as they danced around them. Grayson forgot who he was, what he was supposed to be and kissed Aireona. His lips taking hers in a kiss full of pent up hunger. Aireona, forgetting where she was, let out a soft moan. The world seemed to stand still while they kissed. The music surrounding them seemed to capture all the passion that their kiss held.

 But eventually the music stops and the room is abuzz with hushed whispers.

Secrets Within (excerpt)

Bloodied and weak from his days in the walls, he collapsed. The next thing he recalled was being called a hero. Something his father, the King, seemed proud of.
Clara had tried to be alone with him but Grayson would not allow it. He wanted nothing to do with her. But she was Queen and used to getting her way. Within a fortnight she showed up in not but a stitch of clothing.
Brass she was, walking the halls like a nymph in the night. He could not tell if she was crazy or brazen she walked into his room with only a thin cloth to cover her. "Grayson."she purred. "I know you are hurting but surely you will not send me away again." Sashaying her hips as she came into his room. "I have missed you and by the looks of you, you have surely missed me." Her gaze lowering to the thick bulge that had popped up as she walked into the candlelight. Her round breasts pushed against the thin white fabric of her gown. She licked her lower lip causing him to imagine her tongue licking him.
"I know." he croaked, still aching for her touch but, at the same time, repelled by it as well. She did not seem to hear him and she removed the covers from off his body. Now the only thing between them were his pants and her barely there gown.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Let Go

You don't have to let go
I'll always be near.

I'll be the wind
to wipe away your tears.

The sun
kissing your nose

The grass
tickling your toes

The rain
to wash away your pain

A song bird
to brighten your day.

The stars,
late at night,
to keep you safe in my light.

So you'll never have to
let me go.
I'll always be with you,
watching you
as you grow.

We'll see each other
once again
But between now
and then
know that I love you,
and that this
is not The End.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Double Rainbow

Sometimes, I forget 
how beautiful life can be.
Then I look up to the sky 
you remind me
A double rainbow 
to show
life doesn't stop, 
it just bends.
Though we can't see you
you'll always be near
Forever, in our hearts
you'll never 

This poem is for Travis V. McGee. I never knew how much Trav meant to me until he was suddenly gone. He was such a sweet guy. If you need help he was there. 
My husband lost a dear friend but gained the knowledge that his friend isn't truly gone. When I say "life doesn't stop, it just bends" I'm trying to convey how even though our loved ones are gone they're still here with us. I think they drop by to make sure we're doing ok. As much as we love them, they love us.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Diamonds in the Sand

I don't know why I care.
I don't know why I let it bother me.
Why do I expect so much from people?
They will never be who I need nor what I want them to be.
But I've got to give them a chance or I'll miss the diamonds in the sand.        

photo by:icyizumi

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Travis V. McGee

It isn't true!
It can't be.
Not you!

You deserve more.

More time.
More time to live.

To be with your friends
To be with your family

More time to love
More time to feel loved

It wasn't your time...

It wasn't your time.

I just want everyone's help in praying that his family and friends can stay strong, while mourning the loss of a son, a brother, and a dependable good hearted friend. A life lived but not long enough. A good soul. A great man. The best kind of friend.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Truly Radiant

Truly Radiant

Clean and bright
are my teeth tonight.
My smile ignites
at least one or two fights.
Everyone wants to know
where they can go
to get a smile like mine
I tell them I got it online.
Suddenly I'm left alone
as they race to get their own
Arm & Hammer Truly Radiant

Monday, May 26, 2014

#GameofThrones #MockingBird inspired Poem

#GameofThrones #MockingBird inspired me to write this poem.

Oh, to do to those that hurt those we love!
But to do such things
robs others of those whom they love.
What shall they do to us?
No better are we,
for the vengeance we seek.
Spilling blood on one another.
So that soon it is our blood that drains.
The vengeance cycles once again.



Oh, how you entice me!
Longing for the answers
only Mathematics
can provide.
What does it mean,
when you hate Math
but love Numerology?

Touched by Darkness

She calls my name every night.
Beckoning me to bathe in her moon light.
But the darkness caresses me
Every touch; a plea.
A pleasure, so intense
I forget its expense.
I have darkness in me
and I'll never be free
The bonds that bind
keep me forever confined

Poetry is Art.

Poetry is an art.
 Enjoy it. 
Find comfort in it.
 It's there for you to vent, to brag, to scare, to show you care.
 Imagination is everything to an artist. 
Your words are your brush strokes. 
Paint me a picture. 
So that I can bask in your glory.

Saturday, May 10, 2014


I'm wrong.
I've done nothing
but I'm wrong.
Called you on your bullshit
but I'm wrong. 

 I'm not wrong. 
Maybe, just maybe,
 you and I 
are just not
 right together.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Lovers in the Dusk Balunywa Ibrahim's blackout poem

Following my prompt on facebook in No Direction Home ( artists always on the verge of becoming ) to try blackout poetry, from A Game of Thrones - A Song of Ice and Fire by George R R Martin page 74. I am super excited to share Balunywa Ibrahim's blackout poem. You can check out more of his poetry here.
Lovers in the dusk
They rode out together;
Stars through the gathering dusk.

They stopped beside a stream,
Off his horse he lifted her from hers.
She felt fragile,
Her limbs weak as water.
Trembling in her wedding silks,
She began to cry.
He rubbed away the tears
made her feel better.
Touched her hair softly,
Murmuring softly in Dothrahki .
There was warmth in his tone,
A tenderness never expected.
He towered over her,
As he towered over everyone.
Lightly under the arms,
He seated her on a rock beside the stream.
He sat facing her,
Legs crossed beneath him.
He begun to undress her,
his fingers deft and tender.
He removed her silks,
one by one.
Looking at her breasts,
She could not help herself ,
She averted her eyes,
Covered herself with her hands.
He pulled her hands away,
Then lifted her face to make her look at him.
He pulled her close,
To remove her last silks.
The night air was chilly,
She shivered, and she was afraid.

Friday, May 2, 2014

John Towsley "Blood Dawn" Backout Poetry

 Following my prompt on facebook in No Direction Home ( artists always on the verge of becoming ) to try blackout poetry, from A Game of Thrones - A Song of Ice and Fire by George R R Martin page 74. I am super excited to share John Towsley's blackout poem.

"Blood Dawn"
He rode out as stars and aces spoke
Word drove hard through the ring
Dusk bells in long soft whisper
He wed to keep her blood
The dragon was after war
He had a dark side
All of his horse and hand
He stood and the turn began
A red expression lifted away the tears
Rough with common wonder, he thought
As one had known better
Touch lightly the silver and stand
The warmth expected his head
Eyes to her tower light
Under her seat on rock
He sat on ground facing cross
Finally his long raid was over
His shoulder began to move forward
When they were done; time sat silently
Watching like a dark eve
Long and tender, he bare all
She cover gently the face
No ...echoed back at her
The air was chill on her kin

30 Poems Blackout Poem

If you have been following my posts than you know how I planned to create a Blackout Poem out of my last 30 poems I did for Poetry Month. So here is all of my poems before I created my blackout poem. I had 1,174 words to choose from
Here is the same page AFTER I created my blackout poem.

He invades.
Twisting me all around.
Then, it ends.
I drown.
Water lingers.
I can't escape.
The only evidence, the only sound; my breath,uncontrolled
explodes as I take my valiant filled poison.
A threat.
Without worrying, without fear;
It conveys the wrath I plan
To capture the night.
Exposing the blood spilled.
Hauntingly sweet love, secures my lover
and I realize, his love has me searching for just one more life.
Friends, family.
Jesus, I'm feeling the power.
The power sinks in to my skin.
Once saved, nothing else is quite as dire as you and me.
Love is forever in knowing, none can compare to perfect love and perfect trust.
Dangers teach you to see the truth.
Dark, fragile tears warm his river of darkness.
Know how to feel what is a real.
Don't cry.
We're meant to be.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Ken.(speaks out) by Balunywa Ibrahim

A poem written by Balunywa Ibrahim inspired by my Barbie poem. You can check out his poetry here.
Ken.(speaks out)
"They say Barbie is the one for me,
But that's only in life that's HD.
Could we possibly be a perfect pair
All because we are slim and rare?
She, tight and knit in a top showing some cleave.
I, ripped and fit in skinny jeans with my balls trying to breath...
Now every male is trying to be like me,
Yet I am trapped in a body where my soul can't be..
I wish I could help you wipe your sweat,
Pep talk your mind from things that make you fret.
Ohh this high definition life,
It can drive you mad like your wife!
Yet I am only paper maché;
There's very little that I can say.
Yet everyday,
I am a sales man...
I sell a fake life to a man..
How grand!
My sins are many,
And to different hearts they vary.
I give you desire for money,
To buy my leather pants and jeans so skinny.
I make you chase the sweet life,
Looking for Barbie, my sweet skinny honey..
Your friends deem you chubby,
I make you uncomfortable in your skin.
Now life is full of irony..
For as you seek a diet to get skinny,
Many die because they are hungry
Life is very funny,
And I am sorry...

Blackout Poetry : Good Night Surprise

My friend decided to follow my Blackout Poetry prompt from  A Game of Thrones by George.R.R. Martin page 74.

Good Night Surprise
Behind her; his stallion hard.
Long he rode.
She was never afraid.
She had stopped there, helpless and trembling.
She began to cry; her tears strangely empty of expression.
Perhaps she somehow made her fingers warm, A tenderness she had never crossed.
No, that's not it.
She slowly began to silently spread; gleaming.
She so thick and strangely tender.
Looking at her small breasts, she covered her breasts firmly to make her remove the last silks.
The night was on he bare skin.

If Jesus was Reincarnated

If Jesus was reincarnated
he'd look like you or me.
If Jesus was reincarnated
he wouldn't know that's who
he was.
If he was reincarnated,
what lessons would he learn?
What dreams would he aspire to?
Would he teach?
Would he seek revenge?
Would he be someone New?

#reincarnated #Jesus

Wednesday, April 30, 2014


   Day 30 of Poetry Month. I was going to have my last poem a blackout poem from all my poems but since this is my last poem it'll have to wait. I hope you will check back and see what I have created for my Poetry Month 30 Poems in 30 Days Blackout Poem.
   A mouthful, I know. Anyway I wanted my last poem to be inspiring and uplifting. I hope that when you read this, those are the feelings that I bring out in you.
Girls are being told
how to look,
how to feel,
what is wrong,
and what is real.
Perfection is a lie.

There. There.
Don't cry.

You are Beautiful.
You are Strong
You need to know
that You belong.

You are special
Someone unique
Don't let anyone
your physique. 

You are Smart
You are Kind
Don't let anyone
your mind.

You are
as you were
meant to be.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

My Daughter's Blackout Poem

My daughter Erika decided she wanted to try this as well. This is her blackout poem. As of right now it has no title.

Drogo drove his stallion.
Bells in his braid rang as he rode.
It was dark.
He stopped besides a stream.
Drago stared at his face, empty of expression.
He sat there silently, like a river of darkness; so black, so thick.
The night air was chilly.

Blackout Poetry - Burning Desire

This is my first blackout poem. I am in a poetry group on facebook No Direction Home ( artists always on the verge of becoming ) In this group I prompted everyone, who wanted to try blackout poetry, to do one from A Game of Thrones - A Song of Ice and Fire by George R R Martin page 74. I am super excited to see what the other members of the group have done. If they grant me their permission I will post their blackout poems here as well. This is the original page 74.
Here is my finished blackout poem.
Burning Desire

Blood of the dragon.
I am never afraid.
Dark, fragile, empty tears.
You wonder, perhaps one had known better.
Touched lightly.
Warmth, never expected from his eyes, lifted her.
A river of darkness, strangely unmoving.
His eyes averted hers
" No," he pulled her away.
The night air shivered.

My sister Candace has her's on her blog. Check it out here.

Monday, April 28, 2014


Your micro expressions give you away.
I see the truth, no matter what you say.
What is it you feel the need to hide?
I can't trust you, once you've lied.
So be honest, don't lie.
I pinky promise not to cry.

You did what?!
You're grounded!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Unconditional Love

Unconditional Love 
by: C.L. Miller

In perfect love and perfect trust
I will do all I must
To keep you safe and sound
From the dangers all around
To teach you how to talk
and teach you how to walk.
To kiss your fingers and your toes
and pick up all your clothes.
To brush the tears from off your face
and comfort you, with my embrace
I'll be here through thick and thin
Capturing every goofy grin.

Saturday, April 26, 2014


The subject matter itself is very gut wrenching for me. Hurts just to see the word. I always try to tell people, that by ending it all, they are robbing themselves of a better life. You are robbing yourself of the opportunity to have a better life. You are only taking yourself out of the equation, without the right mindset to think of the effect your death will have on others.The people you love. The people who love you.

by C.L. Miller

The word itself,
causes me great anguish. 
You see,
I've been where you are.
Grasping for a way,
to end the misery.
To take away
the pain and suffering.
Selfishly thinking
of only myself
Not thinking about
anyone else.
Not caring
the devastation
I'd be leaving behind.

that didn't happen.
I lived.
I almost robbed myself
of a better life.
Nothing ever
would have gotten better
ending it that way.
In the wrong state of mind
I hadn't realized
No one is ever
truly alone.
We only feel that way.
And as we all know,
feelings change.

Friday, April 25, 2014


Is only as strong
As the bond between two people.

No bond is stronger
Than a bond between a
Mother and her daughter.

No love is tougher
Than of those who suffer.
What keeps them going
Is forever in their knowing
That they have your love.
Even from up above.

None can compare
Between a girl
And her hair.

But the love we strive for
Is like fighting a war.
Fighting to get it.
Fighting to keep it.

Is it worth it?

Thursday, April 24, 2014

The Cold Water Challenge of 2014

The Cold Water Challenge of 2014
I am the Cold Water Queen.
Nominated by Amy-Miller Richards
My nominees will not be unheard
Charlene, Jess and Tabitha.

You have 24 hours to do my bidding
Seriously, I'm not kidding.
24 hours, the clock is ticking
hurry up and get to picking.


Day 24 of Poetry Month. Only 6 more poems until I can say I have completed this challenge. Thanks goes out to my sister who challenged me indirectly by doing the same thing. She got the idea from 30 poems in 30 days. It's not as easy as I make it seem.


by C.L. Miller

All I've ever known
is all I'll ever be
if I can't reach out
and touch my destiny.
So I tentatively
take a step
hoping its something
I won't regret.
At first I'm scared
and all alone
Until I realize,
I can stand on my own.
I can count on myself
through thick and through thin.
I won't let anyone else
get under my skin.
I learned my lesson
when I left him.
I need to walk
before I can swim.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

If You Give a Dog a Cookie

If you give a dog a cookie, she'll sniff it and lick it but she won't eat it.
If you give a dog a sip of coffee she'll want more.
If you let her have more, she'll drink the whole pot
Do you know what happens if you give a dog a pot of coffee?
She'll finally eat that cookie.
But only after you soak it in her coffee cup.
Then she'll find a toy to play with.
Only to rip it to pieces.
Once she has ripped it to pieces, she'll start looking for her tail.
When she finds her tail, she'll chase it.
Chase it right out the door.
'Cause if you have to deal with a hyper dog for one more minute....
you're gonna need an aspirin.

Save the World

 I made this poem in honor of #EarthDay.

Sacrifices must be made
if this world is to be saved.
Nothing else is quite as dire
as our world beginning to expire.
How tiresome it must be
to not cut down a tree.
To not leave waste
in this time and space.
To not pollute our waters,
making it safe for our sons
and our daughters.
Stop and become aware
of what's going on in the air.
Where have all the animal gone?
The bear
The geese
The swan
Who will save the bumble bee?
How about you and me?

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Blue Alien Civilization

Day 22 and I'm back to telling stories in rhyme. I hope you enjoy.

Blue Alien Civilization
by: C.L. Miller

Let the words sink in as my story begins.

In a far away land, in a far away place
was a civilization, in outer space.
These civilians looked a lot like me or you,
all except, that their skin was blue.

To describe this blue I would have to say
it shimmered and glowed in a miraculous way.
Beautiful creatures, of that I am sure
but that, my friend, is just their allure.

There's a black hole where their heart should be.
Once you've been caught, you'll never go free.
If you're lucky, they'd make you their slave.
If your not, your head will concave.

Whatever is left, is put into alien stew.
That only the slaves, are allowed to chew.
If you don't get sick from the wretched flavor,
you are one of the few, to have gained the their favor.

A favor that changes the color of your skin,
that makes it possible for your alien life to begin.

Monday, April 21, 2014


Every word I compose, is a piece of me exposed.
The words revealing how I am feeling.

Words have the power to make you feel.
Words have the power to help you conceal.
They can take you to a far away place.
Or they can get real close, up in your face.

Once spoken, they can not be erased
Forever, they remain. No matter the taste.
Sour on the tongue, are the words that are flung.
Sweet is the flavor, are the words that you savor.

Wipe the words from off of your chin
and let what I've said, sink into your skin.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

What am I?

Day 20 of the Poetry Month Contest.

Eyes big and round.
Ears twitch at every sound.
Nose small and stout.
Tongue peeking out.
Soft and furry.
Always in a hurry.
What am I?

Saturday, April 19, 2014


I'm scattered.
All over the place.
My mind jumps from one thing to the next.
I have little time to concentrate
Hey, does this look like an 8 or a 3?
Oh who cares!
Let's play some video games !

Friday, April 18, 2014

You Have Me

....................................................................I have no friends.....................................................
....................................................................I have no family......................................................
......................................................................I have no one.......................................................
........................................................................I am alone..........................................................
......................................................................                       ....................................................
......................................................................                       ....................................................
......................................................................                       ....................................................
......................................................................                       ....................................................
......................................................................                       .....................................................
.................................................                      You have me.                          ..........................
.................................................                                                                      ..........................
......................................................................                       ....................................................
......................................................................                       ....................................................
......................................................................                       ....................................................
......................................................................                       ....................................................
......................................................................                       ....................................................
......................................................................                       ....................................................
...........................................................................Jesus ..............................................................

Thursday, April 17, 2014


Lies, lies are all we're told.
To think it's hot, when its cold.
To think its fresh, when clearly there's mold.
To think we're broke, when we've got gold.

Living life, the way we're told.
Believing we're not being controlled.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Dunkin' Turbo

Okay so this is my first attempt at shadow poetry. I hope you find it to your liking.

 .                 .   .                .     .            .  .
   .           .          .          .        .       .         .
     .                    .           .             .       
   .                  .            .              .
  .              .               .                .
     .            .                .                .
This coffee has me dancing crazy.
None today, could call me lazy                    y
It has me running up and down the     M             M
stairs  It has me searching for teddy                          u
bears. My booty's shaking in the halls.                         s
Until, suddenly, my sister calls.                                   i
Wanting to know about the taste     s                       c 
of the vanilla frosted cupcakes.               a      w
"I don't know," was my reply                   
and with that I said "Goodbye."      

booming and I was zooming. Sliding across the
polished floor, to refill my coffee cup,for just one more.

This coffee has me dancing crazy.

None today, could call me lazy

It has me running up and down the stairs.

It has me searching for teddy bears.

My booty's shaking in the halls.

Until, suddenly, my sister calls.

Wanting to know about the taste

of the vanilla frosted cupcakes.

"I don't know," was my reply

and with that I said "Goodbye."

My music was booming

and  I was zooming

Sliding across the polished floor,

to refill my coffee cup,

for just one more.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Worries & Doubts

  I am an author at heart. I love creating a scene you can just see without having to close your eyes. So I'm trying to do a rhyming short of story without it having to be light hearted or kiddish.

 Worries & Doubts
He sweetly whispered  in my ear
Words I wished I'd never hear.
"He doesn't love you.
He doesn't need you.
If I were him, I would leave you."

I tear fell upon my cheek
and quite suddenly, I was weak.
Who would speak my greatest fear?
Words spoken heartfelt and sincere.

In my heart, these words were true.
My insecurities bursting through.
He doesn't love me.
He doesn't need me.
One day he will wake and want to leave me.

 "Look at how he looks at you.
You can't believe those words are true?"

An incredulous voice wondered in my ear.
My doubts slowly beginning to disappear
The voice of reason filled my mind.
A voice, soft spoken, gentle and kind.

"Can't you see how he looks at you?
Can't you tell his feelings are true?"

I brought my gaze to my lover's eyes.
and in that moment,  I realized
all the truths
and the lies.
My insecurities,
a devil in disguise.

I seen his love shining through
and in that moment, I just knew.
This man was my destiny.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Intestinal Gas

It the 14th day into Poetry Month. I know yesterday's poem was gut wrenching to read so I thought I'd share a lighter kind of poem. Short and funny, if you will.  I hope you enjoy my poem and my humor.

Soft and Chewy
Warm and Gooey
Sweet and Sugary
Midnight Snack
Heart Attack
I'm still here.

Sunday, April 13, 2014


Who's wrath did I incur
on this,
the 5th of December?

'Tis the day I find
a mark, most unkind.

Claiming me to be a whore,
a red mark placed upon my door.

 'Tis untrue!
A blatant lie.

In truth,
I knew I could not stay.
I knew I had to run away.

When the sun falls from the sky,
Before the moon can light the night

I will take a horse from the farm
So that none could do me any harm

Before my plan could come to play
Three men captured me and made me stay.

Their faces hidden by the night
and I ,unwilling, began to fight.

They ripped from me, all my clothes
leaving me completely exposed.

I struggled, as they forced me to the ground
Screaming, hoping someone would hear the sound.

If they did, I'll never know.
My body now, covered in snow.

My blood is spilled all around
My haunting screams, the only sound.

Forever to be known as "the whore"
all because of a red mark
placed upon my door.

Saturday, April 12, 2014


A poem today is
what is required.
But alas,I'm feeling
quite uninspired.

I can not muster
the words to convey
how I'm feeling today.

The words, they do not flow.
What to write
I do not know.

Because of that,
I now must go.

Friday, April 11, 2014

The Elite

Day 11 and I'm trying something different.

The Elite

They want to own us.
They want to control us.
They want to take our freedom
They want to take our rights.
They poison our food
and pollute our water.
They care not 
about your son 
your daughter.
They want you 
They want you 
in debt.
The way America is,
they don't see us as a threat.
Hopped up on caffeine, 
just to go to work.
Our kids watching tv,
learning how to twerk.
People taking drugs,
just to get away.
And everyone who's not,
is trying to find a way.
A way to live a life.
Without worry.
Without fear.
A way to rise against
the tyranny.
To get America back.
to the way it used to be.

Thursday, April 10, 2014


Continuing with the food trend but with a little twist, is day 10's poem. Savor the flavor.


Sip .
I think I'll have another.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Pasta Salad

Today is day 9 of Poetry Month. If you have been reading all my poems so far you might have noticed quite a lot of them are food related. 
As you can see by the title of my new poem I'm not done yet with describing my food.
I've written in the past that I am trying to develop an instinctual sense of descriptive writing. I can't promise there won't be more on the food subject but I can try.
 Pasta Salad
I fill my mouth
of a delicious
Biting into 
a tomato,
juices burst
on to my tongue.
Crunching loudly
on the cucumbers
As the 
chunk of cheese,
so sharp, 
Noodles drenched
in a zesty flavor
I savor 
mouth watering 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Dream Man

Dream Man

A valiant man I have
in the palm of my hand.
He does things for me
like none other can.
He cooks and cleans 
more than any man is able.
He even does the dishes
and cleans the table.
this guy is imaginary 
but for fun, 
we'll call him Barry.

Monday, April 7, 2014


My legs are shaking
My body's aching
My stomach's grumbling
My words I'm mumbling
So I hurry quick
To get my fix
At good old
Route 66

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Blueberry Muffin

 Day 6 of Poetry Month. Not my best but when you write something every day you can't expect everything to be gold. It's still good though, so I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed eating a blueberry muffin this morning.

 Blueberry Muffin

A burst of blueberries
explode in my mouth.
The taste on my tongue
sweet and tart.
I savor the taste
as I take the last bite.
Now a distant memory
my blueberry muffin.

Saturday, April 5, 2014


Today is day 5 of poetry month. I started out this poem with a specific theme in mind but no matter how many times I started over I couldn't get what I intended to come out on paper. This came out instead. So take my advice and try not to fight it.
 around my waist.
against my face.
Skin against skin.
I breath him in.
A sight 
to behold.
A vision,

Friday, April 4, 2014



Pitter patter
of little feet.
My house,
 no longer
clean and neat.
Laundry scattered 
all around
Screaming kids 
the only sound.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Breakup Spell

Following a prompt from NaPoWriMo I decided to write a poem in the form of a charm, or as a witch might say, spell. So here it is. I hope you like it.

Breakup Spell

A petal, 
a red rose.
Some fuzz, 
 between your toes.

it together, 
in a pot.
Heat it up,
 its hot.

Put your
in a cup.
Down the hatch,
Drink it up!

these words,
times three.
"No longer 
I plea.

No longer 
I feel.
What we had,
no longer 

 Words spoken
true intent.
Not to be 
just to vent.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Blueberry Donut

In my poem Temptation I used my senses to write.  I write stories and have a hard time with details. It helps me to practice writing this way. Like right now I am eating a sugar glazed blueberry donut. Something as simple as that, I made into a poem. Tell me what you think.

Blueberry Donut

My mouth waters
at the blueberry smell.
A delight to behold,
the round cake
with a hole.
The sugary glaze
lingers on my tongue.
Sticky and delicious
I can't get enough.
 of appreciation
escape between bites,
until there is no more. 
 the only evidence.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014



The taste of peppermint
invades my senses,
as he kisses me 
so sweetly.
His hands twist 
in my hair,
pulling me closer.

The kiss becoming something 
Our scent is all around.
Heavy breathing,
the only sound.

Then as sudden
as it began
it ends.

With one look,
I drown.

It's all there,
in his eyes.
The love.
The devotion.
The hunger.

And it's all for

Poetry Month

 National Poetry Month starts today. My sister Candace is celebrating this month by writing a poem a day. She'll post a poem a day on her blog A Writer without Words.
My last poem I wrote was a little on the negative side. I don't always feel like that so I decided to write another poem.
Excited yet? You will be. Teeheehee!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Life is so complicated.
Love, doesn't feel very loving.
Is this going to be the rest of my life?
I didn't know this is what it meant when I agreed to be your wife.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Let It Go (remake by Cassandra Miller)

Let It Go - from Frozen (remade by me)

A blue jay takes flight in the bright day light,
not a person to be seen.
A school of isolation and I'm back to being a teen.
My insides feel like a swirling storm inside.
Couldn't keep it in, Heaven knows I've tried.
Don't let them in, don't let them see.
Be the good girl you always have to be.
Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know.
Well, now they know!

Let it go, let it go!
Can't hold it back any more.
Let it go, let it go!
Don't be afraid to open that door.
I don't care what they're going to say.
I am too far gone.
Their whispers never bothered me anyway.

It's funny how some people,
make you feel so small.
But the people that once controlled me, can't control me at all
It's time to see what I can be,
to test the limits and break free.
No right, no wrong, no rules for me.
I'm free!

Let it go, let it go.
I am one with the wind and sky.
Let it go, let it go.
Like the blue jay, watch me fly!
Here I am, and here I'll stay.
I am too far gone.

A memory brings me back to when I was in school.
Tears fall from my eyes as I recall kids being so cruel.
Remembering the feeling of constantly being harassed.
I'm never going back; the past is in the past!

Let it go, let it go.
And I'll rise like the blue jay in flight.
Let it go, let it go
I'm in love with Dawn!
Here I am, in the light of day.

I am too far gone.
Their whispers never bothered me anyway...

originally by Idina Menze. Here is a video so you can get the rhythm and hear the original words.

Friday, March 14, 2014


So I'm still working on getting my books e published but I just joined NaNoWriMo and thought I have time to write for their National Novel Writing Month which isn't until November.
Instead of starting fresh with new ideas, I figured why not finish a story that has no beginning or no end.
I've written a few that I would like you to check out so you could tell me which you would like to read more of.
A Dance to Remember 
The Power of Five

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Love & Light

This is so true. 
The very thing I want for my group
To be equals one mustn't try to be more than anyone else. 
To be better is a power trip. 
 Everyone wants to better themselves,
 but does anyone want to share their wealth? 
Their knowledge? 
Are we only worth what we accomplish?
 If there was no one to tell us what we should or shouldn't do, 
would we be harmonious
 or would there be chaos?
 When will we realize no one is better or worse than another?