30: Last day for my written words of my thankfulness. Today, is most
special and as always, the best is saved for last. I am thankful for
those special, simple moments with my family. —
watching Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II.
Day 29 : Today I am thankful that I couldn't go out and participate in the Black Friday fiasco. And as always I am thankful for the world that is Harry Potter
Day 28: I am thankful for Erika Miller on this Thanksgiving Day. Guys aren't doing much 'cept sleeping and getting in trouble
Wow it just took one bad day and I seemed to forget to be thankful. Well I'm here to change that and write
Day 27: Thankful for being able to find my way back to the light when clouds of darkness surround me. It is never too late to find the light in an otherwise dark place.
Day 23: Thankful to see this daddy & me time. Something much needed for these two
Day 22: #puffsfreshfaces I am #thankful for not living in a world where we are in fear for w
hat we do and that our world isn't shrouded in darkness. I love that we thrive in the light !
Day 21: I am thankful for my reading genes. I hope I passed them on to my son. Reading makes you smart.
Day 20: Though I love him, I am thankful for my husband getting out of my hair and doing something with himself. He gets annoying sometimes. Teeheeehee!
Day 19 : Grateful when inspiration hits and I'm at my creative best.
Day 18 : Thankful every month when my bills are paid.
Day 17 : I'm thankful for the break my husband gave me from the kids. Now if only the neighbor kid would stop bouncing that ball !
Day 16: I am thankful for my sister Charlene Davidson. Do I need a reason?
Day 15 : I am grateful for everyone who is there for me when I need you. I don't JUST mean family and friends. Could be doctors,nurses, a therapist even my dog. So thanks for being there for me everyone :) I would also like to add, that I am grateful my son ,who went missing today, was found.
Day 14: I'm not sure I am thankful for anything today. All I see are the negatives and I'm not sure if I can stay this way. Fighting over something stupid. Trying to control me. Wait...I'm thankful that I see that. I have nothing to lose by being me. NOTHING!
Day 13: I am thankful for all the people who have come into my life. Even if I don't like you, I'm still thankful that I met you. Why? Because it wasn't a coincidence that we met. You and I were meant to learn something from each other. Bad or good, learn something from everyone who comes into your life.
11/12/13 : Today's date reminded me how thankful I am in learning numerology. Something that might not have happened if I hadn't met Robert Clark. But we'll get into that for tomorrow's 13th Day of Thanks.
Day 11: Thankful for having belief.
Day 10: I am thankful for being blessed with an artistic talent. I may not be as good as Picasso, but art is in the eye of the beholder.
Day 9: I am thankful for having a home.
Day 8: I'm thankful to have a mom as wonderful as mine.
Day 7: I'm thankful for being me. Alive and well, being all I can be.
Day 6: I'm thankful that I can do a lot of things men can't/won't do
Day 5: I am thankful for all my friends, for if not for them I would be lonely.
Day 4: Thankful for being a woman who doesn't have to do as she is told
Day 3: I am thankful that I have 2 healthy, beautiful children
Day 2: I am thankful for my husband...for today anyway :)
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